4 Things You Can Expect When Receiving Emsella Treatment

Urinary incontinence (UI) is one of the most prominent conditions older individuals and postpartum women experience. Developed from the systematic weakening of the pelvic floor, or Kegel muscles, urinary incontinence can be a frustrating and disheartening thing to experience. Fortunately, specialized treatments such as Emsella can help rebuild the strength in these areas and ease your symptoms. Here, we’ll detail things you can expect when receiving Emsella treatment and what you need to know.

Professional and Accommodating Specialists

Upon arriving for your treatment, one of the first things you can expect is access to a qualified professional whom you can discuss your condition with. Not everyone’s experience with UI will be the same, and these specialists will want to know how you’re feeling specifically. This not only helps them determine the best course of treatment for you, but it also allows them to put your concerns at ease and answer your questions. Above all else, they’ll make sure you’re comfortable and ready for the next steps.

Tingling in the Kegel Muscles

Emsella treatments use a specialized chair to stimulate the Kegel muscles and mimic the effect of a full pelvic floor workout. As such, it’s common for individuals to feel a slight tingling or contracting in this area as the equipment works. In essence, you’ll receive the effect of several thousand contractions in as little as a half hour. So, you’ll need to relax and let the procedure take its course.

No Post-Treatment Downtime

Since Emsella is non-invasive and quick, you won’t need to worry about downtime following the procedure. While the contracting of the muscles can leave you sore, it’s nothing that you wouldn’t normally experience from a standard workout. As such, you’re free to get back to your daily activities immediately. Additionally, you can return for other sessions in the future depending on the results you want to achieve.

Stronger Pelvic Floor Muscles

The most important thing to expect when receiving Emsella treatment, though, is overall stronger pelvic floor muscles. While standard Kegel exercises are incredibly helpful at eliminating UI symptoms, sometimes, they aren’t enough. With Emsella, you can accomplish more in a shorter amount of time, greatly improving your rate of success. For this reason, it’s definitely an option to consider on your path to UI and postpartum management and recovery.

Don’t live with the disheartening symptoms of your UI or postpartum condition. Instead, reach out to the caring and experienced staff at Evolve Aesthetics. Our team dedicates themselves to helping individuals like you find relief through our Emsella incontinence treatments. No matter your age or circumstances, we’ll make sure you’re comfortable and that you receive the best treatment experience possible.


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